Sustainable Beekeeping

Propagating Eco-Friendly Development

Sustainability refers to adopting an approach that takes into consideration the ecological, economic and social aspects of processes. It has now become the need of the hour and a significant practice that needs to be cultivated further. The trick to being sustainable is to strike the right balance and work towards reducing the exploitation of ecological resources so as to decrease the impact of our activities on the environment. Our services also include beekeeping education for the new and emerging beekeepers or farmers who are looking to foray into beekeeping.

Beekeeping has existed for over thousands of years around the world. Honey has been procured since the ancient times using low-impact tools and without hurting bees in any way. However, the recent times have witnessed an increase in the utilization of intrusive equipment as well as in the usage of chemicals to prevent the outbreak of various diseases within the beehives. These are absolutely unfavorable practices for honey bees, which happen to be a very important part of our planet’s ecosystem.

The BeeHively Group understands the importance of honeybees for humans as well as the environment and encourages sustainable ways to procure honey. Along with delivering high-quality raw honey to end customers around the world, the goal of our company is to help increase the bee population. In keeping with the objective, we particularly stress on instilling the importance of sustainable practices in our beekeepers as well as our customers. We also consciously avoid using Beekeeping equipment and techniques that could be harmful for bees.

Sustainable Beekeeping

Sustainable Beekeeping


BeeHively offers trainings and consultations to beekeepers in the art of sustainable beekeeping, so as to help the environment, while procuring raw honey. We believe sustainable beekeeping is the key to maintain the indigenous and viable population of bees, which is most likely to result in the production of high-quality honey and bee-by products.



The vision of the Management Team at the BeeHively Group is to create a platform for beekeepers who believe in adopting only sustainable means to procure honey. The President of the company, Priyanka Brahmbhatt, is also a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Advocate, who is passionate about the environment and envisions BeeHively Group as a fully-sustainable beekeeping company.

Sustainability UNSDG
Sustainability UNSDG



The vision of the Management Team at the BeeHively Group is to create a platform for beekeepers who believe in adopting only sustainable means to procure honey. The President of the company, Priyanka Brahmbhatt, is also a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Advocate, who is passionate about the environment and envisions BeeHively Group as a fully-sustainable beekeeping company.
